- arrow
- arrow-2
- arrow-3
- arrow-3-o
- arrow-4-o
- undo
- caret-u
- caret-d
- caret-l
- caret-r
- caret-u-o
- caret-d-o
- caret-l-o
- caret-r-o
- plus
- minus
- times
- times-o
- checkbox
- check
- chevron-u
- chevron-d
- chevron-l
- chevron-r
- arrow-slant
- launch
- link
- arrow-o
- gotop
- gotop-2
- scrolldown
- login
- logout
- login-o
- logout-o
- fullin
- fullout
- fullin-2
- fullout-2
- share
- share-o
- smiley
- user
- user-o
- user-2
- users
- group
- woman
- man
- disabled
- donate
- eye
- eye_
- loupe
- fingerprint
- world
- nature
- flower
- pin
- pin-o
- home-o
- home
- padlock
- key
- shield
- shield-x
- shield-o
- shield_o
- money
- card
- case
- shoppin
- badge
- circle-o
- help
- warning
- info
- calendar
- clock
- watch
- book
- book-open
- agenda
- bookmark
- pen
- pencil
- pen-2
- pencil-2
- rule
- brush
- palette
- music
- recycle
- recycle-o
- grunepunkte
- contrast
- lum-more
- lum-less
- star-o
- star-half
- star
- stars
- moon
- sun
- cloud
- phone
- phone-talk
- mobile
- mobile-2
- tablet
- laptop
- monitor
- battery
- signal
- on-off
- settings
- settings-o
- process
- process-o
- science
- lightbulb
- bulb
- stats
- stats-2
- stats-o
- stats-2-o
- grid
- grid-o
- masonry
- pictures
- cinema
- camera
- video
- volume
- mute
- play
- pause
- next
- loop
- random-o
- microphone
- clip
- envelope
- rss
- rss-2
- menu
- list
- menu-v
- chat
- chat-o
- flag
- folder
- upload
- download
- save
- garbage
- cut-h
- cut-v
- copy
- paste
- document
- music-2
- music-o
- like
- heart
- heart-o
- bell-o
- bell
- label
- label-o
- cursor
- mouse
- shell
- coder
- random
- sync
- transport
- monster
- shape
- trek
- arrows
- cross
- more
- manonegra
- peace
- hispadesign
- mixtim
- mixtim-2
All served icons are optimized with manual compression.
Specially crafted for you ;)
miXTim Icons is open source, and made available under the GNU GPL 3.0 License ↗︎. Distribute, use as-is, or modify to your liking in personal and commercial projects. Please retain the original readme and license files.
Open Source (specifically as source code or software)
GNU General Public License
You are free:
- to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
- to remix - to adapt the work
Under the following terms:
- liability - the author doesn't provide any warranty and doesn't accepts any liability
- copyright notice - a copy of the license or copyright notice must be included with software
- documentation - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, changes must be documented
- share alike - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you can't distribute your work with a closed source license